Veterans of Foreign Wars - Loyalty Day Celebration

at 10 AM in the Capitol Rotunda

Capital Building, 501 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Loyalty Day is a special day for the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States
and for the recognition of the heritage of American Freedom; a day for "solemn
re-evaluation of those priceless gifts of freedom which are our heritage, to the
end that we may stimulate and renew that high sense of patriotism which has
signalized our glorious history as a Nation."
Where: Capital Building, 501 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17120 
VFW Loyalty Day Chairman
Jeffrey Puckett
Speakers: Department Commander, Government Representatives
Military Leaders, and Patriotic Music

On May 1, the VFW leads ceremonies to recognize Loyalty to America Day when all citizens are encouraged to reflect on the freedoms they have, to support democracy, and to honor those who protect America. Loyalty Day began as "Americanization Day” in 1921 to counter the Communists’ May 1 celebration of the Russian Revolution.